The latest Coronavirus update

For patients who are attending appointments

If you have an upcoming appointment but answer YES to the following question, please call us immediately

  • Do you have symptoms of COVID-19 (including loss of smell, loss of taste, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, mild gastro like symptoms, conjunctivitis, feeling ill)?


For all other patients we are looking forward to helping you.  The Smile Team has always taken pride in our high infection control regimen and will always utilise standards precautions along with A.H.P.R.A. sterilisation protocols to protect each patient.  Keeping patients safe is something we’re very familiar with. We use barriers to cover direct contact surfaces which are changed between each patient and disinfect all surfaces between each and every patient.  All clinical team members wash their hands or use sanitizer before and after every patient we see. In addition to these normal procedures, we are carrying out enhanced deep cleaning and disinfecting our patient lounge throughout the day as a part of our COVID Safe Plan.


A summary of additional steps taken by The Smile Team

Patient lounge
  • Surfaces are regularly wiped down, including door handles, desks, phones, computer surfaces
On arrival
  • Additional hand sanitisers will be made available throughout the practice
  • 8 Air Purifiers with HEPA filters have been installed throughout the practice, rated by Philips to remove 99.9% of viruses
During Treatment
  • Patients will receive a 30 second antiviral pre treatment mouth rinse


We also remind everyone that if you are experiencing symptoms of illness, or have in the past week or two, to please call and reschedule your appointment to prevent spreading illness to others.  For additional information please visit;

Thank you for being a valued part of our The Smile Team community, and for giving us the opportunity to assist with your dental and general health.  We remain dedicated and committed to the safety and well-being of you and your loved ones.

The Smile Team



Frequently Asked Questions

What does this mean?

All forms of dental care can be carried.

Are you only seeing vaccinated patients?

We are closely monitoring guidance from the Australian Dental Association regarding appropriate recommendations.  Given the developing community vaccination policies surrounding 5 to 16 year olds by the Victorian government, we are supporters of the vaccine drive but are not yet in a position to reserve patient care based purely upon vaccination status.

We are screening all patients ahead of their appointment to ensure there is very little chance of a positive case attending the clinic.

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